
Driving the diabolo onto the international stage – Zeng Wen-xiu

2014/11/04 14:38
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PeoPo推 0

Diabolo aficionado Zeng Wen-xiu (曾文秀) is the driving force behind bringing a group of students from New Taipei City’s Yingge District together in their out-of-school time and motivating them to make sustained efforts in diabolo practice. With the aim of giving fellow diabolo lovers a place to build their dreams, Zeng Wen-xiu formed a diabolo troupe and gives diabolo teaching free of charge. She not only ensures that students are equipped with a clear understanding of each and every movement and are able to identify any problematic areas, but in order to develop even richer performances, she has even dipped into her own pocket to provide an additional teacher specializing in the field. 

With the diobolo facing a general lack of interest in Taiwan, at the outset, performances by the troupe didn’t receive much support and Zeng Wen-xiu faced a lot of discouragement. However, the incorporation of dance, gymnastics etc., as well as meticulous choreography, has produced wonderful diobolo stage performances that are just as appealing as any other performing art. Following performances at international competitions, Zeng Wen-xiu’s diabolo troupe has gradually gained prominence in the international scene and some troupe members have also been selected to receive training from Cirque du Soleil. Today, her biggest motivation is the earnestness of this wonderful group of students.

Driving the diabolo onto the international stage – Zeng Wen-xiu







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