Xindian Shisi Zhang undergoes regeneration
In 2011, construction work on the “Three Rings & Three Lines” MRT project in Xindian, Taipei City, began to affect land use in the surrounding area. Located in the area between Zhongyang Rd. and Minsheng Rd, there are 10 old traditional buildings with over 100 years of history. However, in order to accommodate New Taipei City’surban regeneration policy, the old buildings face possible demolition.
The local chief of Zhongshan village believes that instead of demolishing the houses, they should be retained and transformed into a park following the completion of the regeneration project, thereby preserving the area’s architectural heritage and providing locals with additional space for activities.
There are already numerous examples of preserving architectural heritage in Taiwan including: Ji-Chou An (紀州庵); Bao Cang Yan (寶藏巖); Si-Si Nan Cun (四四南村); and Miyahara Ophthalmology (宮原眼科). It is hoped that the increased focus on Taiwan’s architectural heritage due to urban regeneration projects will convince the government to reconsider its policy and listen to the voice of the people.
Xindian Shisi Zhang undergoes regeneration
新北市新店十四張於2011年開始捷運三環三線動工, 因而連帶影響周圍土地的使用。位於中央路及民生路地帶的十棟古厝,已有上百年歷史,但配合新北市的都更政策,不久可能被拆除。當地中山里里長盼能保留原本的古蹟,在不拆除的情況下,重建後建立成小公園,不僅能留住歷史更能讓居民有更多活動空間。國內已有多起古蹟保存下來的案例,像是紀州庵、寶藏巖,四四南村以及宮原眼科,古蹟的價值隨著都市發展越來越受到重視,期盼政府能在多方考量下,聽見人民的聲音。