
Investigation into the effect of FPCC 's NO.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex on Changhua’s health finally gets underway

2014/10/14 14:59
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Taixi village is located in Changhua’s Dacheng Township, adjacent to FPCC 's NO.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. When the southerly wind blows each summer and autumn, residents downwind of FPCC 's complex in Taixi village are frequently plagued with an acrid stench. As a consequence, local residents decided to carry out their own investigation, which found that the incidence of cancer in Taixi village was extremely high. Over a period of eight years, from Taixi’s resident population of 400 people, 28 were found to have cancer – this is a rate of 1:14, which means that 1 in 14 people from the village have cancer. Such an extraordinarily high cancer rate is poles apart from the safe limit of 1:100,000 announced by the Health Promotion Administration.

With Taixi village possessing the highest incidence of cancer in Changhua, it may come as no surprise that it is known as ‘cancer village’, and Dacheng township known as ‘cancer township’. However, to date, no official investigation into the effect of NO.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex on the people’s health has been carried out on the local population. 

In September, a collaboration between National Health Research Institute, NTU’s College of Public Health and Changhua Christian Hospital’s Department of Pediatrics and Erlin branch, began a study on environmental pollution and epidemic disease in Changhua – the study will research the effect of NO.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex on the people’s health. Local residents have long awaited a report that could act as a reference on clarifying the adverse effect of the complex on people’s health. Neighboring towns and villages in the area will be toured as part of the research project, which will continue into next year.


Investigation into the effect of FPCC 's NO.6 Naphtha Cracker Complex on Changhua’s health finally gets underway 

六輕對彰化的健康影響調查 現在才啟動






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