
“Occupy Central” Amidst the occupation: the reality on Hong Kong’s streets

2014/10/08 09:45
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PeoPo推 0

The 1st of October marked not only National Day of the People's Republic of China but also the 4th day of Occupy Central in Hong Kong. As crowds of people flocked to the Central Government Office in Admiralty, it became clear that even the stifling heat on the eve of National Day would not be sufficient to suppress the enthusiasm of the Hong Kong people. In aid of universal suffrage at the 2017 Chief Executive Election, droves of Hong Kong people fearlessly took to the streets while persisting in their motto of ‘Fighting for Democracy with Peace.’

Occupy Central is no longer merely a fight on the street, but a direct resistance regarding freedom and slavery, democracy and centralized authority. The protest participants also included a small group of westerners, who expressed their discontent and support of the Hong Kong resistance through holding various placards. 

Following an incident on September 28, when the police threw 87 canisters of teargas into protesters, a number of groups came out in support of their action. However, opposition to this police violence was the main reason for the self-directed participation of many citizens, who in the continued fight for democracy, extended their protest from Admiralty into the areas of Mongkok, Central Hong Kong, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui. 


“Occupy Central” Amidst the occupation: the reality on Hong Kong’s streets 









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