
Let’s go home – The children of Nalou indigenous village

2014/09/30 11:44
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Located in Hsinchu County’s Jianshi Township, Nalou village was formerly home to a large group of Atayal people. However, following serious damage to community industries by Typhoon Aerein in 2004, many people were forced to relocate and it became evident that there was a drain on the Atayal’s traditional cultural.

In a meeting between Hsinchu County’s Community Empowerment Center (社區營造中心) and local indigenous people, ‘light tourism’ was proposed as a measure to jointly address this village problem. Following the meeting, with the hope of developing a long-term economic model for the community, the village began working on two main areas: "leisure agriculture" and "eco-tourism".

With the theme of implementing ecological conservation and natural farming, in August and September of 2014, the Community Empowerment Center raised the ‘Hunter’s Camp’ and ‘Farmer’s Camp’ for the second time. It is hoped that through creating work opportunities, the events will convince more indigenous people to remain in the area and perhaps even attract back some of the countless young people who have left home to find work.

Bringing together indigenous villages from 13 townships in the county, Hsinchu County’s Community Empowerment Center has also created “Good Market 13 (13好市集)”, which provides fresh local agricultural produce and hand-crafted products. Nalou indigenous village is just one member of “Good Market 13”, which has helped establish a direct relationship with consumers. 

Let’s go home – The children of Nalou indigenous village


回家吧 那羅部落的孩子






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