
‘Housing Movement (巢運)’ invites President Ma Ying-jeou and Tsai Ing-wen to sign statement of commitment ensuring justice for residents

2014/09/30 11:38
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On September 23, the Social Housing Advocacy Consortium (社會住宅推動聯盟) together with a few dozen other people converged on Ketagalan Boulevard to hold a press conference for the signing of the Housing Movement’s statement of commitment which includes five main demands. Fifteen years ago, on August 27, 1999, a night vigil was held on Taipei’s Zhongxiao East Road, commemorating the 10-year anniversary of Snails Without Shells (無殼蝸牛). That year, Taipei Mayor Ma Ying-jeou not only made a speech at the event, but also sat alongside the people.

This year’s upcoming October 4th overnight event to be held on Ren’ai Road will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Snails Without Shells movement for affordable housing. Housing Movement has offered President Ma Ying-jiu a sincere invitation to ‘come home’ and participate in the event, once again listening to the voice of the people. 

‘Housing Movement (巢運)’ invites President Ma Ying-jeou and Tsai Ing-wen to sign statement of commitment ensuring justice for residents





社會住宅推動聯盟等20多人,9月23日上在凱達格蘭大道召開巢運行動,並簽署巢運五大訴求承諾書記者會。15年前,1999年8月27日無殼蝸牛10週年夜宿忠孝東路,當年的台北市長馬英九不但到場致詞,而且與民眾坐在一起 。今年是無殼蝸年25週年,「巢運」即將於10月4日舉辦夜宿仁愛路活動。「巢運」誠摯邀請馬英九總統回娘家,參與此次的盛會,再度傾聽人民的聲音。



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