Care center
In order to ensure that her mother-in-law has the opportunity to interact with friends and get exercise, for an uninterrupted period of six years, Taipei resident Yu-Lian (玉蓮) has been taking the early morning bus to Hsinchu on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where she picks up her mother-in-law and visits the local community care center – she describes the undertaking as a “sweet burden.”
Situated adjacent to Jia-Dong Elementary School in Hsinchu, services at the care center include home visits, telephone calls, health improvement and food catering. The special thing about Jia-Dong Elementary School is that it enthusiastically participates in community activities, providing diverse learning opportunities to elderly residents living in the traditional rural village and increasing their willingness to participate.
Elderly residents attending the care center not only share their stories, but also their own homegrown vegetables, which are used to prepare a communal lunch. The most touching thing to see, however, is the long-term assistance from volunteers that has created the warmth of a real family and enriched everyone’s life.
Care center – “Awesome!”
Sweet Burden
關懷站 讚!
住在台北的媳婦玉蓮,每周二周四搭清晨第一班車到新竹,接婆婆到社區關懷站運動並跟老朋友聊天互動,六年來不曾間斷,她說這是甜蜜的負擔。關懷站的服務內容包含關懷訪視、電話問安、健康促進與餐飲服務四項,在新竹市茄苳國小旁的關懷站裡,很特別的是,茄苳國小很積極參與社區關懷活動,讓長者在傳統的農村生活中,多元學習並提升參與的意願,他們也會提供自己種的菜來以菜會友、共享午餐,並分享自己的故事。更感人的是,志工長期的協助,讓這裡就像 一個溫馨的大家庭,也都豐富了大家的人生。