
Unbounded amounts of purchase receipts exchanged for garlic - Xie Zhi-Cheng stumps up to hold garlic fair

2014/07/30 15:41
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Unwilling to bear watching garlic farmers go bankrupt due to depressed garlic prices, in just over two months, Kouhu Township (口湖鄉) resident Xie Zhi-Cheng sold 60,000 kilos (100,000 catties) of garlic direct to customers at above the going market price. In addition to donating excess profits to a local orphanage, tens of thousands of purchase receipts were collected at a care event held in cooperation with the Revenue Service Bureau of Yunlin County, where garlic was exchanged for purchase receipts. As if that wasn’t enough, Xie Zhi-Cheng went further and delved into his own pocket to pay for the ‘Compassion Garlic Fair (愛心蒜頭博覽會),’ which raised unbounded amounts of purchase receipts.

With ever more young people standing up to support farmers, his philosophical stance has already clearly yielded great success. He appealed for the support of all cyber friends at the Douliu Pomelo Park ‘Compassion Garlic Fair’ on July 19th, where farmers attempted to give out 6,000 kilos (10,000 catties) of garlic.

A dance and music program was organized for the event, where garlic farmers offered the public an opportunity to enter into a share-scheme agreement, as well as exchanging garlic for purchase receipts. The event raised over 50,000 purchase receipts, which were donated to social welfare organizations in the county. 


Unbounded amounts of purchase receipts exchanged for garlic 
- Xie Zhi-Cheng stumps up to hold garlic fair



無限量供應發票換蒜頭 謝志成自掏腰包辦蒜頭博覽會





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