
The 12 km journey to Grandma Li’s home

2014/06/18 15:30
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PeoPo推 1

Zhang Yu-Xuan (張育瑄) is a care worker from the southern district office of Mennonite Christian Hospital. One of her clients in Zhuoxi Township is 80-year-old Grandma Li, who has lost the vision in both of her eyes. With poor mobility and living together with her elderly husband, Grandma Li’s closest neighbor is 12 km away. In need of constant care, she relies on Zhang Yu-Xuan’s three weekly care visits to assist her with bathing and various other general everyday matters. Conditions in the elderly couple’s tin-roofed house are far from ideal, and with other family members all trying to make a living, with regards to caring for two elderly relatives, it’s a case of, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is week.”

Hualian’s southern district has close to 12,000 elderly residents and many vulnerable residents living alone require not only health care, but also help with various other aspects of living. Founded in 1997, Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation began providing community care to the county’s elderly residents. In 2005, the foundation rented an office in Yuli, the southern end of Hualian, providing care workers and various other services to the community. Nevertheless, in order to ensure the resources needed to take care of vulnerable sections of the community in Hualian’s outlying areas are adequate, the investment and compassionate assistance from people in all social circles is essential.  


The 12 km journey to Grandma Li’s home









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