
Indigenous haulage organization provides work to city-bound tribal villagers

2014/06/04 15:36
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In operation since 1998, ‘New Taipei City Indigenous Haulage Cooperative’ currently has 59 members, 80% of which are of indigenous origin. With a customer base made up from a mixture of private individuals and civil service contracts, the cooperative’s mainstay includes home and office packing and removals, as well as the package and removal of tools and machinery from large factories – this entails the operation of heavy lifting machinery.

Located in New Taipei City’s Banqiao District, the cooperative gives valuable work opportunities to indigenous people from tribal villages that have newly arrived in the city. Liao Ren-yi (廖仁義), the current cooperative chairman said he began working part time immediately after graduating from elementary school. Leaving his village in Taoyuan’s Fuxing Township for Banqiao in 1975, though many years have past, he still vividly recalls his struggle and difficulty in adjusting to city life. Liao entered the haulage industry back in 1979, an experience that planted the seeds to later co-establish the cooperative with friends. 

New Taipei City Indigenous Haulage Cooperative is the only registered indigenous cooperative in Taiwan. Working in the haulage industry means that workers must accommodate the availability of clients, and therefore members often work late at night or early in the morning. Extremely exhausting work with a high risk of physical injury, it is no surprise that fewer and fewer young men are willing to enter this field. In the face of such difficulties, though there is no immediate answer to this problem, Chairman Liao Ren-yi is still hopeful that the cooperative will remain in operation and continue to provide work opportunities to young indigenous villagers. 


Indigenous haulage organization provides work to city-bound tribal villagers



原民搬運組織 部落到都市的依靠






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