
Mainstream media collapse – Community newspaper flourishes

2014/05/13 11:52
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Recently, a 10-day ‘20 Excellent Community Newspapers Exhibition Tour’ took place in Taichung Creative and Cultural Park, where members of the public were invited to express their care for the community through the sharing of local stories. The Butterfly Wind Community, which snatched the Taiwan Central Region Award, gave a detailed record of reconstruction after the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake entitled ‘New ChiChi (集集薪傳)’ as well as covering numerous outstanding stories from the heart of Taiwan in ‘Puli Life (大埔里報).’ Qiaorong Elementary School in Wufeng District established a small news research group, training aspiring young journalists to cover stories in the area and show concern for the local community.

The Ministry of Culture praised the diligence and enthusiasm of local community newspapers, especially in villages with limited human resources, where community newspaper workers expended great efforts to make detailed reports of grassroots issues and cover stories of local people, allowing these community newspapers to flourish.


Mainstream media collapse – Community newspaper flourishes


主媒崩壞 社區報蓬勃發展


「社造20優良社區報巡迴展」在臺中文創園區求是書院展開為期十天的巡迴展覽,邀請民眾一起關懷社區以及在地故事。 中部地區獲獎的單位還有來自南投埔里的《蝴蝶風社區報》、詳盡紀錄921地震後集集重建紀錄的《集集薪傳》以及從臺灣之心與世界接軌的新秀《大埔里報》等優秀報刊。台中霧峰僑榮國小也成立新聞研究社,培訓校園小小種子記者,學童親身走訪與記錄當地人事物,開始關心在地生活。文化部肯定各個社區報刊對地方的用心與熱情,尤其村落資源人力有限,社區報刊工作者仍投注心力,詳盡報導在地議題及人情故事,讓社區報刊能持續地蓬勃發展。



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