
Para table tennis team campaigns for international arena – Building confidence

2014/04/08 14:23
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Zhong Fu Wei-Ta-Lu Table Tennis Team (中福維他露桌球隊) is composed of mainly polio and spinal injury sufferers, with the vast majority of members being confined to a wheelchair. Though rehabilitation is the main purpose for the 50 members who currently practice four days a week, over the course of time, they have built up a keen interest in the sport and participated in numerous domestic and international competitions - often achieving exceptional results. In October 2013, the team traveled all the way to Europe for the ITTF Para Table Tennis 1st Belgian Open, where they seized two silver medals and 10 bronze medals.

“Para table tennis gives meaning to life and provides social contact with others,” said Asia University Social Work graduate student Liu Zheng-han (劉政漢). Para table tennis has been an inspiration to his life and was the main reason he decided to study Social Work. In addition to empowering him with a positive mental attitude, it has also inspired him to use his own life experience to coach others, especially the vulnerable. After a brief interruption to his life, with the help of table tennis he has finally regained his confidence.

Coach Wu Ming-dao said that every sport requires particular skills, and these can’t be learned overnight. However, learning such skills are even more difficult for disabled people, and so encouraging them to walk out from under the shadow of their disability is one of a coach’s main responsibilities. “With each member facing their own difficulties, it is anything but easy to muster up the courage to come here,” added Wu. 


Para table tennis team campaigns for international arena – Building confidence



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