
Onward to Dong Hwa Campus -Sharing tribal interview experience

2014/04/08 14:04
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With the aim of providing an opportunity for sharing experience and facilitating interactive exchange between local CJs and campus news centers, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform annually holds an inter-campus news center symposium.    

On March 26th, CJs gathered at Dong Hwa University campus for ‘The Rising Power of News Dissemination,’ a collaborative symposium between PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform and the Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication. A diverse range of guests were invited to the symposium: producer of PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform, Wang Shi-ling (王晴玲); teacher Sun Chia-sui (孫嘉穗) of the Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication; long-time Taitung CJ ‘smbigsun’, who is a three-times PeoPo Citizen Journalist award winner; and student representatives from the campus. Through the sharing of personal news production experience, CJs not only provided students with a deeper understanding of the importance of local CJ reporting and helped them to firmly grasp the position that citizen journalism holds in society, but also equipped them with several clear steps to carry out news interviews.  

Many indigenous issues require attention, but eastern Taiwan lacks media resources. With CJs relaying important information about the environment and people of local areas, numerous students have been influenced with the power of grassroots concern. Students left the symposium greatly enriched, with more recognition and awareness of the PeoPo platform. 


Onward to Dong Hwa Campus
-Sharing tribal interview experience



前進東華校園 分享部落採訪經驗







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