
Taipower ignore environment – Residents protest over high-power electromagnetic radiation

2014/03/18 12:03
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In the East District of Tainan City, the residents of Houjia Community have recently been enveloped in electromagnetic radiation. “There isn’t a community in the whole of Taiwan that has suffered the treatment that Houjia Community has suffered. Inside the 0.44 square kilometers of Houjia Community, there are two high voltage transformer substations bordering residential homes and a school. Residents must live in this environment of high-voltage electromagnetic radiation,” said Chen Qi-wen (陳綺雯) Secretary-General of Houjia Community Development Association.

Though a number of residents have approached the authorities for a full account of the situation, as yet, there seems to be no sign of any improvement. Chen Qi-wen hopes the local government will uphold resident rights and halt road access permission to the construction company. She also hopes that Taipower will act in a just way, respecting and safeguarding the rights of local residents, and allowing them to live freely without fear. 



Taipower ignore environment
– Residents protest over high-power electromagnetic radiation

台電漠視環境正義 後甲居民抗議高壓電磁波





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