
Taiwan Deaf Woman’s Basketball Team takes gold at DIBF Asia Pacific Cup

2014/03/10 16:59
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On March 2nd, Taiwan Deaf Woman’s Basketball Team arrived triumphantly home at Taipei Songshan Airport, after taking gold at the 2014 DIBF (Deaf International Basketball Federation) Asia Pacific Cup in Korea. Initially, expectations were not high for the team, but through a great deal of hard work, the team’s performances gradually improved. A lack of funding, however, left the team facing the prospect of missing out on the competition. Fortunately, at the very last moment, corporate sponsorship was secured and the trip became a reality. Regrettably, due to a combination of the exhausting training schedule and the inability to take official leave from work, some of the team members had no alternative but to give up the opportunity – in the end, only seven members of the team made the trip to Korea. The next target for Taiwan Deaf Woman’s Basketball Team is the 2015 World Deaf Basketball Championship and the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Games. Hopefully the general public will continue to actively support the team, allowing team members to realize their own dreams, as well as win many more awards for Taiwan.

Taiwan Deaf Woman’s Basketball Team takes gold at DIBF Asia Pacific Cup






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