
The beauty of painted deities in temple art

2014/02/25 16:54
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The religious art of painted deities is unique to Taiwan. Following what seemed like a predestined opportunity over 30 years ago, artist Lin Ren-he (林仁和) entered the world of religious art painting. Learning the delicate brushwork and ingenuity of religious art from master painters of the last generation, the quality of Lin Ren-he’s creative work improved rapidly, taking him to the forefront of the Taiwanese spiritual art field almost overnight. His artistic footprint can be seen the length and breadth of Taiwan, and he is one of the few remaining descendants of this wonderful art form. He has studied under the eminent masters of temple folk painting, Pan Lin-shui (潘麗水) and Cai Cao-ru (蔡草如), from who he learned the traditional skills of character sculpting, as well as painting birds and flowers.

In addition, he formerly collaborated on a large-scale temple wall project with Jiang Qing-lu (江清露) - master of Chien Nien sculpture (cut-and-glue figurines) – where he learned classical clay modeling and color matching techniques. Afraid that this distinctively Taiwanese cultural asset will be lost to future generations, Lin Ren-he and others in the field are calling on the Ministry of Education to actively seek out talented young art students to collaborate with painters in the field, and foster talented temple painters for the future. 

The beauty of painted deities in temple art



寺廟工藝之美 門神彩繪篇 影音





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