
Shoddy construction work on cycle path constricts growth of young trees

2014/02/25 16:47
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PeoPo推 1

As part of the Water Resources Agency’s ‘Qian River Improvement Project’ at Side Rd., Wufeng District, Taichung City, building contractors have installed a raised platform in the green space to act as a riverside cycle path. However, where the path meets with trees or utility poles, the contractors have merely left narrow holes; leaving such narrow holes is like planting large trees in a small plant pot.

Bordering the roughly 2km-long cycle path are small-leaved Terminalia trees, mango trees and flamegold trees. The long-lived, evergreen mango tree can grow to a height of 15 to 18 meters, sometimes more. After taking on-site measurements, it was discovered that the building contractors had left an opening of only 12×13 cm for the tree’s growth.

In addition to restricting the growth of trees, the recently finished work is already showing a number of visible cracks and defects. Taiwan Tree Huggers Alliance has called on Greater Taichung Mayor Jason Hu (胡志強) and those responsible for supervision of the design process to ensure that the work is brought in accordance with standard engineering specifications, that suitable spaces and optimal growing conditions are provided for trees, and that the officials involved in the project are held responsible.


Shoddy construction work on cycle path constricts growth of young trees

單車道工程粗糙 小樹被下緊箍咒





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