
Migrant workers protest against violence and exploitation via flash mob dance

2014/02/18 15:46
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Both Hong Kong and Taiwan have witnessed cases of employers allegedly abusing their domestic workers. “One Billion Rising for Justice of All Migrant Workers” originates from the global women's rights movement “One Billion Rising,” which is fighting to end violence against women and girls.

On the same day as Valentine’s Day, February 14, locations all over the globe staged flash mob dances, pointing fingers to the sky in a symbolic expression of their opposition to sexual assault, oppression, abuse and violence etc. In the central hall of Taipei Main Station, staff from Indonesian Migrant Workers Association in Taiwan (ATKI-Taiwan) and Migrante International-Taiwan Chapter, rose up to raise attention to the issue of rights and benefits for migrant workers.

Migrant workers protest against violence and exploitation via flash mob dance

移工跳舞快閃反暴力剝削 呼籲「億」起關注移工權益


港台都發生印尼家務工疑遭雇主虐待的事件,「億起為移工爭取公義行動」起源於反對女性暴力的全球行動:十億女性站起來(One Billion Rising)。全球各地在2月14日情人節當天以舞蹈行動形式「高舉手指」傳達反對性侵害、壓迫、虐待、暴力等行為。在台印尼移民工協會(ATKI-Taiwan)及移工國際台灣分會(Migrante International-Taiwan Chapter)則衍伸為移工爭取權益,在台北車站大廳中央跳舞快閃,呼籲社會關注移工權益的問題。



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