
Oxcart weddings see revival in fishing village

2014/01/28 10:59
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Fisherman Li Fu-zheng (李富正) from Kouhu Township in Yunlin County has worked diligently in organizing a three-strong fleet of traditional oxcarts for his wedding ceremony. One of the oxcarts was specially decorated and acted as the bridal car, the second carried the bridesmaids, and the third was filled with the bride’s dowry – just like the famous literary work “An Oxcart for Dowry” – this included a refrigerator and various other household appliances.

The groom, Li Fu-zheng, said that following the industrial revolution, the traditional scene of oxcart weddings slowly faded from rural areas. He believes that oxcart weddings are a way of showing respect to the farmers and water buffaloes. Originally, Li Fu-zheng had planned to use six water buffaloes; however, for reasons of sickness and pregnancy in the animals, in the end, he could only enlist three of them to take part. Village residents did their utmost to assist with the wedding, and on the big day, many locals were stopped in their tracks by this uncommon sight.

Oxcart weddings see revival in fishing village


漁村少年郎 當代牛車婚禮






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