
‘Forever Young’ Series – Taijiang oldies embark on study tour

2014/01/07 17:34
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PeoPo推 0

The elderly generation that grew up in Tainan’s Taijiang District remains enthusiastic about learning, and as far as curiosity for exploring their native homeland is concerned, they more than equal that of the younger generation. This winter, these Taijiang oldies went on a study tour, kicking off by putting their agile hands to work in the production of handcrafted brushes. While engaged in the brush-making process, they were kind enough to share their stories.

On completion of the brush-making class, they made their way to Dadaogong Temple (大道公) to study the art of drawing lots and divination. With the drawing of each inscribed bamboo stick (used for divination), deep hearty laughs could be heard echoing throughout the temple.

Next on the agenda, was a visit to Gong Qin Liao (公親寮), where village mayor Mr. Wang introduced the area’s history. On mention of traditional architecture in the area, everyone excitedly asked if a tour would be possible. In spite of the fact tour coaches were unable to enter the intended area of the visit, the eager group of oldies were adamant on visiting the old houses, and decided to make the journey on foot.

On arrival, one person shouted out, “This is the old home of my in-laws! I helped build this place,” after which the elderly man began recounting his family’s story.

Seeing the passion and concern of these elderly residents towards their native town was testimony to the truth of the old expression “One is never too old to learn.”

We should all remember that just as young people require study trips, so too does the elder generation.

‘Forever Young’ Series – Taijiang oldies embark on study tour






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