
Tacloban one month after the disaster

2013/12/24 18:09
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PeoPo推 1

A number of citizen journalists embarked on a news-gathering assignment to the Filipino city of Tacloban (塔克羅班), an area seriously damaged by Typhoon Yolanda (海燕颱風). The first impression of the area was from the bird’s eye view of the aircraft, revealing a strange scene of utter destruction. There are no words to describe the scene at Tacloban airport, which has been left in complete ruins. Though it was a raging typhoon that inflicted this damage, it appeared more like the cruel work of a tsunami.

Over a month has already past since Typhoon Yolanda swept across the country, but desolation in the stricken area is still painfully evident. Mountains of uncollected garbage now engulf the streets, electricity has yet to be restored, and 90% of businesses lie in a state of temporary closure. A few positive developments, however, are that the streets are now alive with swarms of street vendors selling daily living necessities, and there is a strong presence of international organizations that are not only providing essential aid and engaging in reconstruction projects, but also striving to assist the Filipino people survive these bitter times. However, as with all such calamities, the healing process will require a great deal of time. 

Tacloban one month after the disaster






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