
Sad history of Taitung’s Dian Guang Bridge

2013/12/16 14:56
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PeoPo推 1

Dianguang Village in located beside the Coastal Range (海岸山脈) opposite Guanshan and Beinan River (卑南溪). Dianguang lies in the administrative region of Guanshan, but as the Beinan River divides it from Guanshan, before the building of a bridge transportation was extremely inconvenient. Each year, only after the rainy season could local residents use a makeshift bridge of bamboo and wood to cross over the river and reach Guanshan. Some years the bridge had to be rebuilt four or five times within the same year, because it would be washed away with the arrival of each new typhoon. At such times, the villagers would be forced to make a long detour to Chishang or Ruiyuan.

Guanshan Township Office tried several times to apply for construction funds to build a large bridge, but owing to the huge expenditure required, it was unable to fulfill this aspiration. From time to time, Dianguang residents would hear of tragedies resulting from the attempts to cross the river, such as the headmaster of Dianguang Elementary School and his child. The situation did not change until 1985, when a junior high school student wrote a nine-page-long letter to the then governor Qiu Chuang-huan (邱創煥), outlining the three terrible years he spent wading across the river to attend school – in 1994 Dianguang Bridge was formally opened to vehicles. The local citizen journalist looks back on former times, and reminds us to cherish the good fortune we find ourselves with today.

Sad history of Taitung’s Dian Guang Bridge






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