
由核三廠急停事故探討清華核工系課程規劃 高等教育是給魚還是給釣竿?

2013/12/13 22:55
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蘇志銓認為當測試進行時因為先前已經有一台壞掉了,剩下兩台仍能維持), 表示失去了雙重保護的設計基準,且沒有了後備系統的支援,此時執行滿載或八成功率負載,是愚蠢完全沒有常識的作法。他質疑這是肇因於核工系近50年課程規劃不當的後果,認為核工系及臺灣人民應該更深入的瞭解這個問題。

(。。。When the testing was performed, there were only (因為先前已經有一台壞掉了,剩下兩台仍能維持), this means there is no redundant and backup systems at all.
Performing testing with full (100%) or even 80% nuclear power load (without redundant and backup systems) is stupid (and no Common Sense at all).

Is this the results of the Real Issues of the NE-ESS Educations over the past 50 years?
I sincerely hope all NE-ESS Alumni and the People of Taiwan should look into such issues more deeply.)







以我個人在美國學Computer Science的經驗來講,我們在台灣清華開個COBLE的課一學就是一年(李家同老師的課)。在UIUC,CS開的一門Programming Language的課,一個學期(也就是半年)就教三種Languages!而,同時間,在Champaign的最好的community college(等於我們台灣的專科學校)也開了一門COBLE的課,也是個一年的課!基本上,在UIUC時的感覺就是他們要學生自己學(他們教你如何自己學)。我的C language就是百分之一百自學的!既然我後來可以靠著它為生,代表我應該自學的還不錯才是!仔細想來,後來在UIUC有辦法走下去多是靠的當年在清華時奠定的基礎!所以,如果人家問我清華教的好不好,我想您應已知我的答案了!

不好意思,我無意扯您後腿,但,我覺得應該要讓另一種聲音被聽到才是!倒是,我覺得我們台灣的學生,即使唸到PhD,普遍的,“critical thinking”的能力要不是沒有就是不夠!這點可能是我們未來的學校及社會教育可以加強的(假設大家都同意,“critical thinking”的能力是個must-have的能力)!怎麼加強我不知道,但,只要有心想要做到,自然就會做到!




Please educate NE-ESS future students (BS, MS, PhD) with Negative-Feedback (accepting different opinions) Stable Systems, instead of Positive-Feedback (only accepting the same kind of opinions) Unstable Systems within the small self-satisfied NE groups. The Positive-Feedback Unstable Systems (even in Social and Political Science) will eventually fail.


The real issues are that the NE-ESS students are not super-genius (including me, even my score of Taiwan College Entrance Exam of 1972 was 13 points higher the entrance score of the Electrical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University).
However, the courses of the NE-ESS Department of National Tsing-Hua University, HsinChu, Taiwan, have been (or were) unreasonable.
The NE-ESS Department (or NE Department) required NE students to take almost major courses of Engineering and Science majors within the four years.
NE-ESS Department used the same books (when I was in NTHU) as those used by the Electrical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University.
Then NE-ESS Department cut times to teach these books and courses.
For example, Circuit Analysis book was taught one semester by NE-ESS, but the same book was taught two semesters by the EE Department of National Taiwan University.
The Electronics book was taught two semesters by NE-ESS, but the same book was taught three semesters by the EE Department of National Taiwan University.

In this way, no NE-ESS students (including me, even I got high scores in these courses and graduated as one of the top students in BSNE (1976) and MSNE (1980G)) could really absorb and understand these courses.
Because Taiwan has only one NE-ESS Department, this is why I gave up the EE Department of National Taiwan University and chose the NE-ESS Department of NTHU as my first choice in 1972.

The results of such NE-ESS educations over the past 50 years have taught many (but not all) NE-ESS Alumni thinking they are only ones who know Nuclear Engineering and the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants.
Worse cases are these people think also know other engineering and science fields because they have taken the same courses and used the same books (but they were taught in less time).


I copy the text from the news again to show some (but not all) NE-ESS Alumni have done stupid things without Common Sense.
the recent 「狀況類似車諾比」 核三跳機急停 at the TaiPower #3 Nuclear Power Plant.


I directly quoted the text from the news below.

Because Nuclear Power Plants are intrinsic unstable and dangerous systems, they need very stringent designs, implementations, and operations (Standards of Operations, SOPs) of Redundant and High-Availability Systems to prevent the occurrence of Nuclear Power Plant Disasters.

Why do I say that Nuclear Power Plants are intrinsic unstable and dangerous systems?
Nuclear Power Plants need cooling water circulation to remove radiation heat (even they are totally shutdown, or even their spent (or used) nuclear fuel rods).
Otherwise, Nuclear Reactor Core Meltdown like the ones in Japan Nuclear Power Plant Disasters two years ago, now and in the future.
NE-ESS Senior Kent (BSNE1971, MSNE1976G) can explain these radiation dangers in Chinese much better than me.

I really do not understand why such stupid testing at TaiPower Nuclear Power Plant #3 could occur.

When the testing was performed, there were only (因為先前已經有一台壞掉了,剩下兩台仍能維持), this means there is no redundant and backup systems at all.
Performing testing with full (100%) or even 80% nuclear power load (without redundant and backup systems) is stupid (and no Common Sense at all).

Is this the results of the Real Issues of the NE-ESS Educations over the past 50 years?
I sincerely hope all NE-ESS Alumni and the People of Taiwan should look into such issues more deeply.
Thank you.






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