
Access PeoPo from your Cellphone!

2013/12/11 13:35
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Access PeoPo from your Cellphone!

The use of mobile devices to go online has already become an essential part of many people’s lives, and each month over 20% of visitors to the PeoPo site are mobile device users. On December 1, the PeoPo platform implemented a system upgrade to make it even easier for people to navigate on the platform from their mobile devices - helping to further improve the dissemination of citizen journalist news. Typesetting in the upgrade is completely in accordance with the special characteristics of mobile devices, ensuring content and services remain flawless and in no way diminished. From today onwards, people will be able to connect with PeoPo from their cellphones, tablet PCs or any other mobile device, viewing all the latest citizen journalist news in a relaxed and hassle-free manner. On top of this, you can now use social media software like Facebook or Line to share quality news stories, tapping even further into the powerful force of citizen journalism.


手機也能看 PeoPo行動版上線






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