
Cycle from canal to waterway source gives birth to “Culture Waterway”

2013/12/04 14:31
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Wastewater from a total of six industrial zones located within the Taijiang area in addition to domestic waste from residential areas, all finds its way downstream into Taijiang National Park (台江國家公園). This current situation is not only putting a strain on the parks ecosystem, but also affecting living conditions and the potential for tourist development. It is hoped that the cycling activity from canal to waterway source will bring awareness about the importance and difficulty in obtaining clean water, thereby speeding up the restoration of Chianan Canal (嘉南大圳) and providing clean water to Taijiang National Park.

After Tainan City and County gained municipality status, from the tail of the canal at Haidian Elementary School (海佃國小) in the city, it is now possible to travel via the irrigation canal along the embankment to Tainan Museum of Drinking Water, the purification pond, and Wu-Shan-Tou Reservoir – all located up in the mountains. The route it is an important long-distance natural walkway for Taijiang and ties perfectly with development of the area’s ‘Culture Waterway’.

The ‘Culture Waterway’ initiative hopes to develop environmental education about the river and stimulate the area’s tourism industry. The community college and various river patrol groups are calling on people from all walks of life to show concern, and help build a beautiful and clean walkway for the people.

Cycle from canal to waterway source gives birth to “Culture Waterway”




台江區內共有六座工業區,還有家庭生活污水,這些污水一直流到下游的台江國家公園,影響國家公園生態、生活及觀光甚鉅。因此,小台江公民記者希望透過騎單車的活動,從水圳尾到水道頭,讓大家明白乾淨的水得之不易,儘速整治嘉南大圳,還給台江國家公園乾淨的水質。     大台南市合併之後,從水圳尾的台南市海佃國小,可以透過水圳、河堤接連到山上區自來水博物館、淨水池及烏山頭水庫,可以說是一條天然的台江千里步道,更是接通城區發展的「文化水道」,發展河川環境教育,帶動城區文化觀光,小台江及社大台江分校等地方河川巡守團隊,呼籲各界一起來關心,營造一條美麗、乾淨的千里步道,守護河川,守護人心。



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