
“If you love, then just run” – running to assist children buy shoes

2013/11/28 15:43
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Not only did many participants at the running event organized by Child Welfare League Foundation (兒福聯盟) chose their own cosplay outfits – including Spider-Man and cute little leopard outfits - many parents also ran with their children. Even though the children had to get up at around 5 a.m., they were still able to finish the race in great spirits.

This is the first year that race organizers have used chip timers, and participants were rewarded with cash prizes on completion of the race. However, the vast majority of runners donated the cash back to the foundation, so that many more disadvantaged children can spend their Chinese New Year with new shoes. “At Chinese New Year, most children have new clothes and shoes to wear, but children from underprivileged families don’t have this opportunity.

For this year’s event, collaborating companies have donated NT$200,000 worth of shoe vouchers, which will allow the children to go and exchange their vouchers for a new pair of shoes,” said Child Welfare League Foundation CEO Chen Li-ju (陳麗如). In addition to children participating in the event, there were also many participants of slightly more advanced years, whose performances were admirable and in no way inferior to that of the younger generation. Running for compassion, the public good and the benefit of disadvantaged children, regardless of sex or age, everyone did their utmost.

“If you love, then just run” – running to assist children buy shoes

「愛,跑就對了」 路跑助童買鞋





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