
A big wind’s blowing – Blowing what? Penghu’s northeast monsoon wind

2013/11/13 17:37
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PeoPo推 0

The sun, sea and sand of the summer season attract countless visitors to the island of Penghu (澎湖). However, as the summer season draws to a close, strong northeast monsoon winds pick up, heralding the arrival of autumn and the end of the tourist season. The northeast monsoon winds literally blow the tourists away, seriously affecting the tourist industry.

With reduced work opportunities, not all tour operators involved in the industry are able to relax, with many of them relying on other work to maintain an income. In order to improve tourism in the autumn/winter season, Peng-hu County Bureau of Culture (澎湖縣文化局) has been promoting various wind-themed activities and competitions, taking Penghu’s strong northeast monsoon wind and turning it into a special characteristic of the area.

Although, the strong salt-laden winds blowing in off the ocean cause serious rusting to metal, these same steady winds are also ideal from promoting green energy in the form of wind farms; a fact that may help turn a new page in Taiwan’s green energy production.

A big wind’s blowing – Blowing what? Penghu’s northeast monsoon wind

大風吹,吹什麼? - 澎湖東北季風





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