
River Classroom – Little Taijiang cyclists patrol Chianan Canal

2013/11/08 22:00
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PeoPo推 0

Members of Little Taijiang Reading Club (小台江讀書會), which upholds the spirit of caring for the Earth, has begun patrols of Chianan Canal (嘉南大圳). Under the full force of the northeast monsoon, on October 16, irrigation-channel teacher Wu Yi-hong (吳義弘) led kids on patrol from Haidian Elementary School, westwards towards Sihcao, where the canal opens out to the sea.

Along the way, in addition to recording river pollution and bird watching, the natural ecology of Sihcao was also introduced. On October 23, in the warmth of the sunshine, irrigation-channel teacher Zhu Xi-yang (朱溪揚) led the mariners on patrol from Haidian Elementary School, eastwards towards Tainan City Meat Market (台南市肉品市場) and the water treatment plant, where discharged water is cleaned before entering the Yanshui River (鹽水溪).

Why should cycle patrols be made of the river? The organizers hope that through this hands-on approach, children will get a real feel for the area, instead of viewing the area from behind the windscreen of a car with cool purified air blowing on them. Little Taijiang Reading Club was founded just beside the school at the Chianan Canal, with the hope that if students show concern for the rivers on their way home from school each day, the environment would become much cleaner.

River Classroom – Little Taijiang cyclists patrol Chianan Canal






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