
Indigenous Paiwan tribe’s baby naming ceremony

2013/10/23 18:16
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According to traditional Paiwan (排灣) custom, at birth one must pass through a series of ceremonies in order to get a name, identity and status, and become accepted by society. The Paiwan tribe calls this ceremony ‘kakudan’, which is a way of social customs and habits passed down from their ancestors. After a Paiwan child is born, the time of naming varies from the day of birth, to 4 or 5 days after, when the parents and relatives get together and name the child.

At this time, the family of the newborn child brews wine, bakes cakes and invites the relatives and tribespeople to their home for a banquet. Children are named according to the social class of the family, with male and female names being divided into one of three classes (the noble class, the distinguished class and the commoner class), each having a traditional list of names. Naming is the responsibility of the parents and the chief of the family’s class, who will choose a name according to the child’s social status.

In Paiwan culture, family names are passed down though the generations, and one must follow the ups and down of the name within tribe’s social class system; the name will be changed according to a change of social status, moving home, or through special marriage when a man takes on his wife’s surname. By knowing a Paiwan person’s name, their social status can be immediately determined. Of course, some names are only bestowed upon the chieftain, and so to use such a name, which are of a higher social status than one’s own, the chieftain’s permission must first be granted. 

Indigenous Paiwan tribe’s baby naming ceremony







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