
Silent communication – Sign language interpreter Li Xin-xian

2013/10/15 14:26
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Li Xin-xian (李信賢) acts as a intermediary between two worlds – that of sound and that of silence. Using elegant sign language, Li Xin-xian can be seen shuttling between those with hearing impairments. As a freshman student, Li Xin-xian’s roommate introduced him to the university’s sign language club. This would turn out to be the beginning of an unshakable bond with the field of sign language interpreting. He has already graduated from a doctoral program in Language and gained certification as a sign language interpreter.

“Owing to the environment in which Li Xin-xian was raised (Li Xin-xian’s parents also have hearing impairments), he is better able to identify with the plight of those with hearing impairments,” said fellow sign language interpreter Mao Hong-nan (毛泓楠).

Though there are currently 6000 people with hearing impairments in Chiayi, Li Xin-xian is the only full-time translator. Dealing with applications and labor assignments, Li Xin-xian is constantly busy, shuttling between various locations to provide service to those with hearing impairments. Because of the special environment Li Xin-xian’s was raised in, he is able to put himself in the shoes of those with hearing impairments, diligently providing essential services and meeting the unique needs of each and every person.

Silent communication – Sign language interpreter Li Xin-xian

無聲的溝通 手語翻譯李信賢






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