
400 people brave blistering heat to clean Houlong beach

2013/10/01 18:00
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PeoPo推 4

The Cape of Good Hope (好望角沿海) in Houlong Township, Miaoli County not only boasts outstanding vistas of the ocean and mountains, but is also the site of ancient fossils. The area, which is rich in natural resources, also has a number of other alluring qualities; it is the only conservation area in Taiwan for Venerupis philippinarum (海瓜子), an edible species of saltwater clam; remnants of an early stone tidal weir can be seen; and on the golden beaches early trawling methods are used.

However, due to human development activity, the local environment is continually under the threat of damage. Faced with their beaches littered with trash and driftwood, community residents decided to launch ‘Cape of Good Hope Beach Cleaning Activity’ to coincide with International Coastal Cleanup Day; the event saw the participation of children from Zhonghe and Qixin Elementary Schools. The community hopes that the activity will help develop a sense of self-guardianship in local people, providing the ongoing protection this wonderful coastal environment deserves.

400 people brave blistering heat to clean Houlong beach






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