2013 Great Road Crossing begins
In October each year, the Rana sauteri frog of Dashanbei mountain area in Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County must find its way to the sandy shallows of gentle clear streams in order to spawn. However, all too often the frogs meet with their fate beneath the wheels of oncoming traffic. As a result, each year the Society of Wilderness (荒野保護協會) raises an activity called ‘Help Frogs Cross the Road’ and on September 7, organized training for local volunteers.
This year, with the hope of raising the effectiveness of frog protection, the society has set up an experimental habitat corridor as well as incorporating work division and technological improvements. The enthusiastic local village mayor arranged meals and a location for the event, where volunteers could eat and undergo practice drills, before receiving an introduction to the area and an overview of the work at hand. With the aim of providing the frogs with improved protection after the activity formally begins in October, volunteers underwent training in the dark streets. The citizen journalist hopes to see an ever-increasing number of participants in such a worthwhile event.
2013 Great Road Crossing begins
新竹縣橫山鄉的大山背山區,每年十月梭德氏赤蛙需要從森林到河邊繁殖,但過馬路時經常成為輪下冤魂,所以荒野保護協會持續推動「幫青蛙過馬路」的活動, 9月7日當地舉辦護蛙志工訓練,今年也試驗性設立生態廊道,希望透過有計畫的分工並運用科技來提高護蛙效果。熱情的村長也安排了當地的餐點,志工用餐後繼續天黑後的實際場地練習,轉移到護蛙的實際地點,作分區的介紹和工作提示。志工在黑漆漆的馬路上展開活動訓練,希望在10月份展開的護蛙活動能盡一份心力,公民記者也呼籲,期待今年的10月份,在這邊也能看到更多人加入。