
Let’s hold a kids’ drawing party beneath the big tree

2013/09/16 16:38
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Chiang-Tsui Junior High School (江翠國中) engineering project in New Taipei City was delayed for six years. Although the vast majority of schoolteachers opposed the project, they were unable to overturn the decision of government and high-level education officials intent on building a parking lot and swimming pool.

The project resulted in the removal of over twenty old trees, a cruel loss of precious green city space. During the time of building work and protests, a local resident named Lisa began telling tree stories to children in Chiang-Tsui’s Stone Park (石雕公園). Recently, local residents held a tree memorial exhibition, attracting lots of help from the community; a breakfast café proprietor freely donated a space for the exhibition; other residents donated cardboard and other materials; while many other residents took turns watching over the exhibition.

Although the old trees of Chiang-Tsui are gone, through the unfortunate incident, the trees have been responsible for bringing the community together. Towards the end of October, the ‘2nd Children and Trees Drawing Party’ is scheduled. The music content will focus on the spread of trees, land, water resources, and human rights etc. As children are the future benefactors of this land, it is hoped that through listening to stories and drawing, seeds of love for Mother Earth will sprout in their hearts.

Let’s hold a kids’ drawing party beneath the big tree







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