
Yuanli residents implore sluggish government to implement safe distances from wind turbines

2013/09/16 16:16
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On the morning of September 3, Yuanli Self-Help Group (苑裡反瘋車自救會) together with other social groups marched to Ketagalan Boulevard where they staged a satirical drama ‘Snail-paced government’ mocking President Ma Ying Jeou and his government for its sluggishness in implementing wind turbine regulations.

The march was held to highlight a Presidential Office Human Rights Consultative Committee (總統府人權咨詢委員會) held on August 27, which examined the question of transparency and public participation in the process to fix ‘safe distances from wind turbines regulations’ at the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ (MOEA) Bureau of Energy (經濟部能源局); unfortunately, due to an overly long agenda, this important question which was up for discussion had to be deferred to a future committee meeting.

Yuanli residents are demanding that the Human Rights Consultative Committee deal with the ‘safe distances from wind turbines’ issue before September 15, and that the Bureau of Energy follows legal stipulations ensuring transparency and public participation are involved in the process of drawing up the regulations. 

Yuanli residents implore sluggish government to implement safe distances from wind turbines

政府牛步 苑裡居民籲落實兩公約 人權會立即開會制定風車安全距離





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