
Ping gives back to society with her ‘Anping milkfish and prawn bun’

2013/09/16 16:08
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Ping (小萍), from Anhui Province in China, arrived in Taiwan ten years ago after marrying her Taiwanese husband. In the beginning, she not only struggled to find work but also found herself the target of harassment. It wasn't until she met some churchgoers that her life began to take a turn for the better. With the support of Tainan Tianchyau Church (台南市天橋教會) Ping decided to embark on a small business venture using her favorite steamed bun recipe from Anhui.

The church provide premises where single moms, mothers looking for a change of career, and new immigrants like Ping, can utilize their creativity to increase the family income, while at the same time promoting the culinary delights of Anping. To raise the profile of Ping’s steamed buns, the church invited Anping District Mayor along to sample and endorse the buns, as well as think up a special name for the product ‘Xiamubao – a pun of the milkfish and prawn bun filling’ - two culinary favorites from Anping. Developing these uniquely flavored buns allowed Ping to slowly stand on her own two feet, and at the same time fully grasp the meaning of the Christian saying: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

At this time, along with her churchgoing friends Ping began attending some church care initiatives in the local community to distribute her buns to elderly residents living alone, and children from single-parent families. During the 2013 Spring Festival alone, Ping compassionately dispensed over 2000 of her buns. 

Ping gives back to society with her ‘Anping milkfish and prawn bun’

安徽小萍研發「安平蝦目包」 愛心包子回饋弱勢





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