
Huaguang Community residents stage protest

2013/09/03 15:42
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Several waves of demolitions using swarms of excavators and the enlistment of heavy police force has left Huaguang residents traumatized. Following the Ministry of Justice’s latest decision to proceed with a final wave of house demolitions, scheduled for August 27-29, the remaining residents had no other option but to immediately vacate the area and find new homes.

On the morning of August 27, residents marched alongside fifty selected student representatives carrying household items from previous demolitions (wooden doors, window frames, ladders and other furniture) to highlight the brutal community clearance that has taken place. On arrival at the Executive Yuan, students staged a drama depicting snails without shells, a symbol of the now homeless residents who have been forced to wander without homes.

Following the drama, pictures of President Ma Ying-jeou, Vice President Wu Den-Yih  and Premier Jiang Yi-huah , were accused of selling the nation’s land to financial consortiums, which aim to manipulate the property market and construct government-approved business zones for the building of exorbitantly priced luxury buildings, the cost of which are far beyond the scope of the average Taiwanese person.

The protest march terminated on Ketagalan Boulevard, where activists used the painstakingly carried household items to recreate a little piece of Huaguang, a place so loved and cherished by the residents.

Huaguang Community residents stage protest






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