
Civil Movement occupies Ministry of Interior

2013/08/27 11:54
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Following Taiwan Rural Front’s (台灣農村陣線) Sunday-night protest rally titled “818 Tear down the government,” protesters congregated at the Joint Central Government Building (中央聯合辦公大樓) complex on Xuzhou Rd, where they quickly encircled the Ministry of Interior. A large police presence moved swiftly to prevent protestors entering the building’s interior. After protestors proceeded to cover the building with “Today tear down Dapu, tomorrow tear down the government” stickers, Taiwan Rural Front reminded everyone that it was a non-violent sit-in protest. “

When the Land Expropriation Act was sent to the Legislative Yuan backroom negotiation, there was a complete disregard for civil opinion. This has given rise to the Dapu incident and countless other similar incidents around the country. With such dictatorial rule, our occupation has absolute legitimacy,” said Liao Pen-chuan (廖本全), an associate professor at National Taipei University.

Foot soldiers from Taiwan Rural Front besieged the Supreme Prosecutors Office (最高法院檢察署) where they denounced Miaoli County Commissioner Liu Cheng-hung (劉政鴻) for alleged abuse of power and called for a special investigation into his part in the three major crimes of bribery; profiteering; and the amassing illicit wealth. In a further show of defiance that revealed the growing indignation towards government attitudes and policy, protesters joined together outside the Joint Central Government Building, and on top of a massive mural depicting rice fields added the slogan “Tear down the corrupt government.”


Civil Movement occupies Ministry of Interior








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