
Western culture and traditional Chinese puppetry unite to create new horizons

2013/08/20 16:20
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Located in Taipei’s Datong District, Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum (林柳新紀念偶戲博物館) combines carving workshops, DIY classrooms, a special puppet exhibition room, a rare puppet collection space and various other small spaces suitable for a variety of theatre performances.

Originally, puppetry was an important form of traditional art performance in Taiwan; however, with a flood of television and media in today’s age of advanced information and communication technology, puppetry is losing its charm and failing to attract audiences, causing it to gradually disappear. In working to pass on the traditional culture of puppetry, while at the same time integrating a modern theatre image, Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum is opening a new era in puppetry.

Unlike the past, which contained many fixed views about the world of puppetry, the museum not only welcomes professionals in all domains from home and abroad, but has also invited Dutch national Robin (羅斌) to act as curator, combining Eastern and Western cultures and bringing a new spark of life to puppetry. There are plans to provide regular exhibitions and performances as well as professional tours, promoting awareness of traditional puppetry to the people.

Western culture and traditional Chinese puppetry unite to create new horizons


西方文化與中國傳統偶戲相遇 共同開創偶戲的新未來





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