
Fines enforced following completed Huaguang demolition leave vulnerable families speechless

2013/08/20 16:16
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Following countless protests and relocations in the wake of demolitions in Huaguang, a mere 20 families remain scattered around the community. These families contain a collection of weak and vulnerable members of society including: the elderly; those with disabilities; low-income families; and those that for a variety of reasons have yet to find a suitable way to relocate, but who also lack the finances to pay a fine of close to US$350,000 which the Ministry of Justice is demanding for unjust enrichment.

Huaguang Community Self-Help Orgnanization (華光自救會) and various student groups have made repeated attempts to highlight the unreasonableness of the Ministry of Justice in fining and forcibly demolishing the homes of weak and vulnerable members of the city. However, the mainstream media coverage of Huaguang Community has not only continually presented social biases like: “illegally built”; “nail house” (to describe a holdout tenant or occupant, likening them to a nail refusing to be hammered down); and “mob”, but also focused on isolated scenes of fierce conflict and images of gaunt-looking local residents. Such limited understanding of the community’s problems and misrepresentation of Huaguang has hindered any possible resolution of the issue.

The fact that the residents have property registration numbers, electricity, water and business permits, demonstrates that for many years the government has given tacit consent to the policy of ‘self-settlement’. It is also clear that from the perspective of urban development, over the years “illegal building” has witnessed a tacit agreement between the government and residents. If Huaguang Community buildings are to be suddenly deemed illegal, then it is surely the joint responsibility of both the government and residents.

The Ministry of Justice’s decision to take on the role of plaintiff, demanding decades of legal costs be paid regardless of whether the residents agree to relocate, is something the vast majority of local residents are simply unable to accept. Last month, the Ministry of Justice notified the last remaining residents of its intention to execute final demolitions from August 27 to 29.

Fines enforced following completed Huaguang demolition leave vulnerable families speechless


華光將拆完 罰款仍苦逼!弱勢戶:無語問蒼天







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