
Facebook appeal attracts in excess of 1000 to Yuanlin night-jogging event

2013/08/14 15:05
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By the time the clock strikes 9 p.m., over 1000 people have congregated in Wannian Alley (萬年巷) bordering Yuanlin’s Hengwen Temple (衡文宮) in Changhua; this is Yuanlin Night Jogging Club. After considering how to fulfill daytime work responsibilities in addition to helping his wife on her post-natal diet, club founder Shi Wei-cheng (施瑋誠), started getting together with a few sport-loving friends to start night jogging.

At the outset, there were only ten or so participants, but after posting the event on Facebook numbers steadily grew, from 1 to 10, then from 10 to 100, all the way to today’s event which regularly sees in excess of 1000 participants. Shi Wei-cheng believes participating in the night-jogging event can help to reduce to incidence of social drinking. In the hope that the event can help spur people to exercise, Tang Wen-fu (唐文甫), chief organizer of Yuanlin Night Jogging Club, always arrives early to prepare the evening’s event.

Miss Shi, one of the participants, believes the event can help build relationships and bring people closer together. The twice-weekly event is suitable for everyone, male or female - old or young, doesn’t interfere with one’s daytime responsibilities, promotes health and gives participants a full-body workout.

Facebook appeal attracts in excess of 1000 to Yuanlin night-jogging event


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