
4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series- (1) In the face of adversity, Miss Yang fights for her survival

2013/08/07 16:47
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Well before 5 a.m. in the early hours of the morning, lights burn brightly inside a roadside eatery situated on the Wuhuliao segment of Chiayi Alishan Highway. This small breakfast café is the brainchild of Morakot survivors Yang Mei-qi (楊媄淇) and her mother-in-law An Zhi-xiu (安芝秀). Originally, Yang Mei-qi worked weekends at a stall in Ri An Community Bazaar selling her own hand-woven handicrafts and traditional tribal snacks.

However, as visitor numbers to the bazaar were few and far between, Yang Mei-qi was forced to try her hand at something else in order to eke out a living; it was during this period of time that the ‘Little Pig Mountain Breakfast Café (山之小豬早餐店)’ was born.

The café opens well before dawn, when a steady stream of truck drivers, tea pickers and highway engineering workers begin arriving. This keeps the team of three staff rushed off their feet till well after noon, when they finally take a rest.

At around 4 p.m., the team gets busy again, kneading dough for steamed buns in what can only be described as a relentless schedule. With the hope of making a better future, taking things step by step and relying on self-study to slowly learn the business ropes, four months after the café’s opening, this young woman from the Seediq Tribe (賽德克) displays the characteristic resilience of indigenous people around the globe.

4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series- (1) In the face of adversity, Miss Yang fights for her survival




88風災四週年系列(1)挺過莫拉克 楊媄淇在逆境中求生 影音






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