
Dapu Case

2013/07/31 11:25
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Dapu Case

At 10:30 a.m. on the morning of 25th July, personages from film, music, culture and art circles rallied outside Taipei Guest House (台北賓館) in support of the Dapu cause. In the much-publicized Dapu expropriation case, central authorities promised to return expropriated farmland and desist from demolishing people’s homes. Despite the promise, on the July 18, Miaoli County Commissioner Liu Cheng-hung (劉政鴻) gave the order to forcibly demolish the homes and expropriate the land, provoking a fierce backlash from people in all circles of life.

At a press conference on July 25, the one-week anniversary of the day, movie directors and people from the arts community initiated "Arts Community Support Dapu,” where the government was condemned for indiscriminately expropriating land and demolishing Dapu homes. Workers in the arts community warned that should the government continue to ignore the four main demands of the Dapu Self-Help Organization, in the practice of everyday life and work, in performances and speeches, on Facebook and in creative works, a call will be sent out for mass civil disobedience with regards to all engagements with senior government officials - "Today demolish Dapu, tomorrow demolish the government".

The Dapu demolitions incident has deeply concerned all those in the Taiwanese movie world, and at a press conference the launch of "Dapu Mobile Movie Theatre" was announced. This Saturday evening (27th), on the now vacant site of the Chang Pharmacy (張藥房), Chan Ching-Lin’s (詹京霖) A Breath From The Bottom (狀況排除), which won him Best Director at 2013 Taipei Film Festival will be screening; the film is based around the destruction of paddy fields in Dapu three years ago.









Deterioration in democracy rouses art community to support protests over forced Dapu demolitions

Miaoli County residents rally to Dapu anti-demolition cause

Dapu Chang Pharmacy (張藥房) charged NT$242,000 ($8,089) moving fee!

“Today the Chang Pharmacy, tomorrow your home,” warns Professor Hsu Shih-jung



藝文界聲援抗議強拆大埔 剷除台灣民主

苗栗縣推廣高接梨 場內外聲援大埔民眾集結抗議強拆

大埔張藥房遷移費 要價24萬2千元!










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