「他說做這個中繼屋以受災戶為主,因為大家也是閒著沒事做,都待在房子的地方這樣,剛好可以學一些作房子的基礎,也不會想太多,如果你都不做事,是不是每天都在想 過去怎樣怎樣,不是也是造成自己的困擾」
「幾乎休假就是回台東,阿這個比較有感情,在這故鄉這樣子 所以我時間到可以退伍我就退伍,希望在這個我老爸留下來的農地這樣子,我那個退休金就是投資在幾乎有一半都投資在那裏面,我那個是類似在半山腰 半山腰就整個這樣切 整個從後面這樣切,就整個切走 我的房子 老工寮 還有浴室 甚麼一些販賣部 計畫我的地方全部都流失掉。
為了協助部落的重建,勤奮的他從工人搖身一變,成為小型工程的承包商。妤妗提到了風災以來,最令她感動的人時說:「我先生吧!他影響我比較多 我會被他激勵到 其實最難過的人應該是他,因為都是花他的錢在弄東弄西嗎 都已經做的一半了 快要完成他的夢想了,完成他的夢想到一半了 現在把他的夢想都一起沖刷掉了,他還能夠這樣子很樂觀的說重新站起來 路本來就很多種不一定要這一條路這樣」
但對重建工程的結束,未來該怎麼走呢?「大概我也盡量幫我們這些班底找工作 如果是謝老師之前後續有甚麼工作他也會找我們 這樣子」。
妤妗說:如果自己沒有做生意的話 我就是會回到 我會去那個協助促進會 嘉蘭促進會 如果沒有當裡面的員工也要當志工去協助裡面推動 嘉蘭未來的產業。
From victims to village guardians
When Typhoon Morakot struck, it turned Jialan roads and paddy fields into a vast expanse of water. The violently swollen rivers washed away over forty families, and it was not until the water receded that the sheer extent of the destruction became evident. Buildings littered the riverbed in what could only be described as something from the scene of a war zone. The Dao family, which watched as their home was washed into the Pacific Ocean, and who were forced to stay in a refugee tent village for an extended period, finally have a new home.
Typhoon Morakot almost snatched away everything from this good family, including their home and all the money they had invested in a homestay (B&B). In order to help with the reconstruction of the village, Mr. Dao has diligently worked his way up from a hired worker, to the owner of a small construction firm.
He is a member of Jialan patrol team and over the last few years has cultivated the habit of carrying a digital camera - the recordings from which he enjoys sharing with members of the community. Mr. Dao is passionate about participating in community activities and fighting for his own rights and benefits, as well as that of the tribe. He is not the kind of person who is skilled in the art of rhetoric, but always enthusiastically supports and encourages those who wish to take the stage.