If Dapu has a future…
A deadline for the demolition of four houses in Dapu is fast approaching without any resolution. The houses could face demolition at any moment after the deadline elapses on July 5, and with the government’s refusal to change a flawed government policy, it appears that more families in the Dapu area are on the brink of losing their homes.
On July 2, Dapu Self-Help Organization (大埔自救會), Alliance for the Defense of Farming Villages (捍衛農鄉聯盟) and Taiwan Rural Front (TRF, 台灣農村陣線) began a sit-in protest outside the Executive Yuan. They demanded that Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) personally come out to resolve the issue, and not trivialize the fact that four years previously, Vice President Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) who was then premier, made a promise to preserve the houses.
Two days into the sit-in protest, at around 3.30 a.m. in the early hours of the morning, a hundred-strong police squadron proceeded to surround and remove all 37 of the Dapu activists. During the scuffle that ensued with police, Chang Sen-wen (張森文) fainted and was rushed to National Taiwan University Hospital for observation.
Supporters of Dapu stage sit-in outside Executive Yuan -
If Dapu has a future…
Furious scholar blasts Wu Den-yih and Jiang Yi-hua for lack of integrity
聲援大埔案 30人行政院前靜坐 300警力凌晨突襲驅離
學者之怒 吳敦義 江宜樺 你們還有人格嗎?