
What’s Lisa’s Law?

2013/07/01 17:39
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Although staff shortages burden Taiwanese social workers with heavy workloads, and force them to frequently exceed their working hours in order meet the needs of individual clients, their zeal for the job is in no way diminished. The main problem lies in the nature of the job, where social workers must make unaccompanied visits to clients, putting them at risk of physical or sexual assault.

As a result of a knife attack at the Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government’s Home for the Disabled (高雄市社會局無障礙之家) on June 3, 2013, workers began calling for greater safeguards and launched an activity to highlight Lisa’s Law (麗莎法案), which they believe is urgently required in Taiwan. Lisa’s Law came about after a social worker named Lisa was violently murdered for refusing to divulge information about a case regarding the whereabouts of a child, who had been forcibly removed from the birth parents and placed in care. The sad event impelled the American government to place greater importance on the safety of social workers and on September 1, 2001, Michigan (密西根州) enacted Lisa's Law.

What’s Lisa’s Law?


Lisa是什麼 什麼是Lisa






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