
Land development ignites conflict between Lanyu residents and local government

2013/07/01 17:37
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On March 20, Taitung County Government’s decision to give the green light for excavations to build a ready-mix concrete plant on tribal land without prior consultations with local residents, met with strong opposition. On May 6, a communication meeting convened by Lanyu Township Office failed to reach a consensus with local villagers, and on June 21, Architecture World (友達營造公司) – the construction firm working in partnership with the county government - submitted an application for the use of 60 police officers to encircle the worksite.

Fortunately, there was no violence and the county government decided to temporarily postpone the excavation work. However, this was the first time since anti-nuclear protests in the area that so many police officers had been deployed. Such a heavy police presence not only shocked Dong Qing villagers, but also drew the attention of other villages on the island, which quickly rallied in support. In spite of the fact the construction work was eventually postponed, with such huge disparity between the county government and local villagers in regards to land rights, whether a consensus can be reached remains a question no one seems able to answer.

Land development ignites conflict between Lanyu residents and local government

東清7號地 縣府與居民傳統領域認知差異大 協商仍須努力






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