
Peking Opera supporters raise Pear Garden Patriarch’s gown ceremony

2013/05/29 16:11
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To celebrate the birthday of the Emperor Ming of Tang - the legendary founder of Peking opera - on March 18, the Peking Opera Association (中華民國國劇協會) raised “Changing of the Patriarch’s Gown Ceremony(祖師爺換袍儀式)” at the Guoguang Performing Art’s Center (國光劇團演藝中心).

A number of people employed in the Peking opera scene came to offer birthday congratulations, old and young alike, lighting incense to offer their heartfelt wishes. Birthday buns and noodles – symbolizing longevity - were handed out to participants in order to celebrate the joyous occasion. The Emperor Ming of Tang established an arts hub known as the Pear Garden (梨園), where performers were given accommodation and performed; this greatly helped the development and spread of Peking opera.

Due to this, the Emperor Ming of Tang is affectionately dubbed the ‘Pear Garden Patriarch,’ and highly esteemed in the hearts of those involved in Peking opera. It is hoped that through such ceremonies the Pear Garden Patriarch will protect traditional Peking opera for posterity.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 世新Online

Peking Opera supporters raise Pear Garden Patriarch’s gown ceremony

祖師誕辰換袍大典 梨園弟子慎重傳承





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