
False Report of Philippines Abs-Cbn News

2013/05/21 23:31
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PeoPo推 4

【藍天採訪組/網路編譯】有人把新疆暴動照片放在臉書誣陷臺灣對菲律賓移工不利,不只有這樣,菲律賓電視台 Abs-Cbn News 在許多則臺菲糾紛的報導中,把北京畫面移植在新聞中,甚至向日本抗議釣魚台的信件也被穿插在新聞畫面強力放送炒作,很明顯菲律賓政府和媒體以卑劣、低級的移花接木手法看待這件臺菲糾紛。




Abs-Cbn News Link:Two Pinoys attacked in Taiwan: report


False Report of Philippines Abs-Cbn News!

A Taiwan fishing boat, Guang Ta Hsin No. 28, was attacked by random firearm by Philippine Coast Guards in the waters off Balintang Channel, within Taiwan's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on May 9, and a Taiwanese fisherman, Hung Shih-Chen, was killed and more than 5o bullet holes was found in the fishing boat. Up to now, Taiwan received no official apology from Philippines government due to "One-China Policy".

Some people bring a false charge against Taiwan by placing the "Xinjiang Riots" picture in the face book, saying Taiwan is against Philippines OFWs. And not only that, in many news report of ABS-CBN News, they included in their video the streets of Beijing (with guidepost signs written in simplified Chinese), which is unrelated to Taiwan-Phililippines dispute matters. Another unrelated scene was included in their news, a letter written by Kaohsiung people against Japan "protest over Diaoyu Islands or Senkaku Islands".

Last part of the news, a group of people with slogan on their hands walking towards a building, we cannot verify its location and/or what's the event, but we can confirm that the Philippines government and their television news media creates a false impression and their action is ignominious.




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