
We don’t want this neon-lit police station!

2013/05/21 17:00
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PeoPo推 2

New Taipei City Government’s Tourism and Travel Department (新北市觀光旅遊局) is planning to build a lantern-style ‘Tourist Police Station,’ lit up with LED lighting in Jingtong old street, Pingxi District; there will be no permanent officers stationed in the building.

The police station will combine a tourist information service with toilet facilities, and respond to the developments in local tourism. Residents have repeatedly reflected that the lantern-style station is out of keeping with the local area, and that the entire project lacks an impact assessment in regards to local transportation, environment, and its visual presence.

However, planners have been unwilling to modify the shape of the building. Two days following news and press releases confirming validation of design plans, on April 4th, the Tourism and Travel Department convened its first formal community briefing, inviting the district office and three local village chiefs, but not local residents. The Tourism and Travel Department has already begun proceeding with the tendering process, and seems intent on ramming through its agenda.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 迪亞哥

We don’t want this neon-lit police station!








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