
Slapdash engineering works on permanent housing cause disaster victims to lament

2013/05/21 16:56
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In the second phase of a permanent housing program at Ri An Community (日安社區) in Chukou Vil., Fanlu Township, Chiayi County, residents have found serious problems with the engineering work.

On top of poor drainage design, which has prevented domestic sewage from being discharged into the sewage treatment plant, some residents have also discovered that the backyard septic tank is only covered with a thin layer of earth; standing on top, one can literally feel the earth tremble and shake below one’s feet.

Ri An Community chairman Qiu Chuan-yuan (邱川原) said: “We reported flaws in the public engineering work to the township office and county economic affairs department quite some time ago; however, to date there has been no response.” He appealed to the county government and contractor to resolve the problems as soon as possible, and not to continue forcing disaster victims to live in fear.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公義使者

Slapdash engineering works on permanent housing cause disaster victims to lament



永久屋公共工程破相 災民感嘆 影音





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